
Match with a Job Coach Who Resonate with you, with our AI-powered Tools...

Meet with James

LinkedIn Influencer and Job Coach

Work with amazing
Job Coaches around the world...

Eliminate the guesswork in finding the right Job Coach. Rely on our AI-powered tools and answer a few quesitons from the Career Assessment, we'll match you with one of the top career coaches, from over 100+ countries and our global network.

Here are Some of Our Job Coaches below...

James Lee


James Fok

Hong Kong

Nidhi Chauhan


Trisha Chapman


Jan Strydom

United States

Matt Adamson

United Kingdom

Thomas De Brun


Brian Golod


'Calling' Job Coaches...

If you are interested to become one of our Job Coaches and Help More People...
Please complete the below registration form and we'll talk to you immediately!!
We'll provide training and let you know our Coaching Model... Partner with us to coach more people and experience the satisfaction of making a difference~


Who is Eligible to Become Our Job Coaches?

Experienced Career Coach in the market who wants to Make a Difference and Have a Bigger Impact (more clients)

Industry Expert (any discipline) with more than 15+ years in your specialty area and interested to share your experiences

Agency Recruiters (any sector) from a well-established Recruitment Firm with more than 5 years working experiences

Experienced HR Professionals, preferrable worked in Recruitment / HR Business Partner / Training Domain

Coaches specializing in other areas, but who possess recognized coaching certifications or received prior training

University Counselors or related roles, who care about people's lives & careers, and have a passion for helping others

Inside This FREE Presentation You'll Learn:

Arrows Down.svg

01:37 – How Dan Henry started using THIS exact webinar strategy to pay off his huge IRS bill.


17:12 – The exact stories you SHOULD use inside of your webinar to convert your audience into buyers.


44:05 – How Dan's client went from charging $1,500 to charging $1-$3 MILLION dollar contracts.


Watch the end of this video to get Dan's funnel installed directly into your ClickFunnels account.

 Benefits to Partner With Us and Become Our Job Coach:

No Listing Fee or Transaction Fee

You will be rewarded for your effort and what you charged for. You will keep all the revenue and earnings. We will not charge for the listing or transaction fee.

More Customers and Exposure

Make a positive impact to help more people to reach their career goals and make a meaningful difference in their lives.

Personal Development

We will tell you our own secret coaching methodolgies and also encourage ongoing education to keep coaches informed about the industry trends. 

Networking Opportunities

Not only work autonomy but also work anywhere to build a wide network of professionals from various industries, which can be beneficial for you.


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Don't Wait Any Longer & Get Results...
Partner with us Now and Join our Program Today!